awareness is


Make sure all the choices you make in life come from a point of awareness and not ignorance


ankur warikoo

warikoo is an Internet Entrepreneur based out of India and is one of India’s top content creators. He is also a bestselling author and conducts courses online as an educator. His aim through his content is to make sure all the choices you make in life come from a point of awareness and not ignorance.​


warikoo has been an entrepreneur since 2008, was the founding CEO of Groupon India and cofounded
He is currently building an education startup, Webveda and Helpclub, an anonymous app designed to encourage seeking and giving help

Content Creator

warikoo has been creating content since 2005 and has over 14.2M+ followers across all popular social media platforms.


warikoo has written 3 books: DO EPIC SHIT, GET EPIC SHIT DONE, and MAKE EPIC MONEY, all of which were #1 bestsellers in India. He is currently working on his 4th book on careers.


warikoo is an active angel investor in 30+ companies and loves to spend time with first-time entrepreneurs mentoring them.

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                                                                ankur warikoo has a strong community of 10Mn+ followers across all popular social media.


The Complete Guide To Start Up

Start at ₹ 1,399

Take Charge Of Your Time

Starts at ₹299

The Altimate Guide To Effective Communication

Starts  at ₹549

How To Youtube

Start at ₹ 1,299

How TO Instagram

Starts at ₹299

How To Linkedin

Starts  at ₹1,959

Make Writing Career

Start at ₹ 1,589

Take Charge Of Your Money

Starts at ₹759

Launching a courses business

Starts  at ₹1,947


This is a book to be read, and re-read, a book whose lines you will underline and think about again and again, a book you will give your family and your friends and strangers.

ankur warikoo


36 life questions you need answers to!

DO EPIC SHIT made you think
GET EPIC SHIT DONE will make you act!

ankur warikoo


Make Epic Money is the book that I wish I was given when I was young. Something that school, college, my family should have taught me but never did. So here I am, trying to fill in for them.

ankur warikoo

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